Champion and Skin modified:
Kai'Sa (Default & All Skins)
Custom model and textures
Custom animations
Support for all quality settings (might not be compatible with DX9 Legacy Mode)
Custom VFX
Custom SFX
Custom Voice-over for every language
Custom loading screen and in-game icons
Known issues:
He shoots out two rockets during the W. I know it's fixable, I just don't know how. If you know which line of code duplicates this, then please let me know
1.1 - fixed the issue of the voice-over being partially muted due to the new update. Redownload both files
1.1.1 - fixed the issue that prevent some people from installing the voice-over. Delete the previous versions from cs lol manager and reinstall the new version
1.1.2 - Now features voice overs for every language, not just English
1.1.3 - fixed the voice-over not working for 13.24. Download the main file again
1.2 - NEW: remade the running animation, as well as running Q animation
FIXED: the bug that made some vfx appear way too big, like Janna's shield
1.2.1 - Fixed missing healthbar with 14.7 patch, as well as fixed the silent voice over. Now the voice is bundled with the main file, so no need to download multiple files anymore.
1.2.2 Fixed the voice over being silent for languages other than English
1.3: NEW: new visuals for the W missle + explosion, look below for a preview
1.4: NEW:
- Updated textures, look for a comparison below
- Made the mod compatible with every skin and chroma (excluding Star Guardian, because the mod did not interfere with it), so no matter what you or the enemy picks, you will always see Boba. No more weirdly moving Kai'Sa!
- Made it so your champion name on chat appears as Boba Fett instead of Kai'Sa
1.4.1: Fixed a healthbar issue introduced in patch 14.17
REMOVED: your champion name no longer appears as Boba Fett on chat, since the code for it broke with 14.17. I will reintroduce it when a solution is found
1.4.2: Fixed the VO being silent
"Boba Fett, at your service"
The galaxy's most fearsome bounty hunter is here, and he's ready to collect your shutdown gold.
FEATURES: Kai'Sa has been entirely replaced by Boba Fett.
Q is now Whistling Birds
W is not the jetpack missile
E is now jetpack flight
R is now jetpack dash
Recall and Respawn both feature Slave 1, Boba's iconic ship
Joke features Han Solo, although he is a bit stiff, probably due to being in carbonite
To achieve this, all animations have been remade, as well as a lot of VFX and SFX
There is a full voice-over as well (yes, with unique voice lines per every kill)
Many thanks to Sauronkaiser for his help, for without it this mod wouldn't come to be
Below you can see the new running animation along with the new W visuals.
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