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Diavolo Mordekaiser

Writer's picture: KaizenKaizen


Champion and Skin modified:

Mordekaiser (Default & All Skins, except for PROJECT)






Custom models and textures

Custom animations

Support for all quality settings (might not be compatible with DX9 Legacy Mode)

Custom VFX

Custom SFX

Custom Voice-over for all languages

Custom loading screen and in-game icons

Custom screen overlay effects (see update 1.2)

Custom anime shader

A lot of bass

Time ski-


1.1: Increased his model size, so that he is actually about as big as other human characters.

1.1.1: Fixed the voice over being silent after the 13.20 patch. Redownload the MAIN FILE, not the voice over one

1.1.2: Added support for languages for the voice over. Select the one named with your language code and use that one only!

1.1.2: Fixed some VFX bugs that were brought up with the new season update

1.2: Added a new feature - if you kill someone in your Ultimate, a new, animated screen overlay effect will appear. See the last photo for a preview. The effect is stronger the faster you kill someone. (Kudos to our bin wizard, GuiSai, who conjured up code allowing us to do it)

1.2.1: Added another overlay effect: upon casting your Ultimate, a manga panel of Diavolo & King Crimson will appear in the upper right corner of the screen

1.2.2: Fixed some mispositioned VFX and packaged the voice-over with the main mod, so now you only download one file that should work for all regions

1.2.3: Fixed missing healthbar with 14.7 patch

1.3: Added a dynamic anime/cartoon shader. Consult the comparison image below for a preview

1.4: NEW: Remade the particle system from the ground up. It now features new vfx, including all of his spells and attacks, to a varying extent. Consult the new preview below.

NEW: Made the skin compatible with the Dark Star Skin. So you can choose either the Default or the Dark Star Mordekaiser, whichever you prefer.

1.4.1: Fixed the voice over being silent for languages other than English. Sorry about that!

1.4.2: Fixed the textures being wrong on lower qualities and wrong minimap icon.

1.4.3: Adjusted the manga panel on ult cast so it looks better on non-ultrawide monitors, and fixed an issue where Diavolo would get some random textures applied in Arena.

1.5: NEW: Made the mod compatible with every skin and chroma, excluding PROJECT: Mordekaiser, because it worked fine with Diavolo. So now, no matter what skin you or the enemy picks, you will always see Diavolo. No more weird, tposing mordekaisers!

NEW: Your champion's name on chat will now be Diavolo instead of Mordekaiser

1.5.1: Fixed a bug that would make Diavolo take the textures of Polnareff, if Polnareff Fiora was also enabled and picked in the same match

1.5.2: Fixed a healthbar bug introduced in 14.17

REMOVED: your champion's chat name no longer appears as Diavolo, since the code for it broke with 14.17. I will reintroduce it once a solution is found

1.6: REMOVED: the anime panel when ulting

NEW: It was replaced with iconic purple-ish lines over your screen. See below for a showcase. In case you don't like it, there is also a version without them

1.6.1: Fixed the new ult effect not showing up for skins other than default


I, Diavolo, will be King, just like I always have been!

Coming back after a little break, I bring another JoJo mod with me, and by far the most extensive one yet. Includes:

- 4 Different models (Default Diavolo, Shadow Diavolo for Ult, King Crimson and Doppio)

- A full new suite of animations, utilizing both Diavolo and King Crimson

- Overhauled VFX

- A custom voice-over and SFX overhaul, with quite a lot of bass

- Two stances, battle (with stand out) and idle (with stand hidden)

- A lot of JoJo poses

- And, of course time ski-


- Sauronkaiser, for his general expertise in modding and letting me use his code for making the E ability look as it does

- GuiSai, for his general vfx help and know-how


- Passione Sound for their great collection of King Crimson sound effects

- EDIPTUS for making the beautiful art I used for the loading screen



I highly recommend watching the video, since the replay screenshots can't nearly do justice to the animations, vfx and sfx

This is how the how the new ulti anime effect looks like. If you find it too distracting, you can use the version without it



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