A santa hat for every champions base skin as well as Pentakill (the 1st ones), Heartsteel, True Damage as well as some other random skins. A mod (or multiple) made by Aropatnik.
List of supported skins (chromas are NOT supported at all)
Base skin for every single champion
Akali True Damage
Akshan Crystal Rose
Amumu Regift
Aphelios Heartsteel
Chogath Gentleman
Ekko True Damage
Ezreal Heartsteel
Gragas Hillbilly
Ksante Heartsteel
Karthus Pentakill
Kayle Pentakill
Kayn Heartsteel
Mordekaiser Pentakill
Olaf Pentakill
Qiyana True Damage
Renata Glasc Admiral
Senna True Damage
Sett Heartsteel
Sivir Pizza Delivery
Sona Pentakill
Yasuo True Damage
Yone Heartsteel
Yorick Pentakill
If you see some disappearing hats or weird looking models let me know.
Please check the "Known issues" down below first.
Discord: aropatnik
Known issues
Kennen loses hat temporarily when using E
Volibear ult form only has a hat if passive is stacked
Viktor asu broke him
If you are feeling extra jolly this season and want to give me some of your hard earned money you can do so via ko-fi