Brings back the old minions from the old Summoner's Rift.
This mod features the old versions of:
-Red Melee Minion
-Red Ranged Minion
-Red Siege Minion
-Red Super Minion
-Blue Melee Minion
-Blue Ranged Minion
-Blue Siege Minion
-Blue Super Minion
[NEW] RuneForge is updating its website and all new mods are going to be posted on the new website moving forward. Click here to access!
Brings back the old minions from the old Summoner's Rift.
This mod features the old versions of:
-Red Melee Minion
-Red Ranged Minion
-Red Siege Minion
-Red Super Minion
-Blue Melee Minion
-Blue Ranged Minion
-Blue Siege Minion
-Blue Super Minion