Mod Information:
· Champion: Nasus
· Modified Skin: Default
· Author: Sirdy789
· Mod Version: 1.3
Play with Old Nasus and Skins before Visual Update Patch 3.14!
Contains the skins: Old Nasus Base, Nasus Galactic, Nasus Pharaoh, Dreadknight Nasus and Riot Nasus.
· Loadscreen Splash Art
· Animations
· Skills Icons
· Nasus circle and square icons
· Somethings particles
· Skill sound effects
Credits to Franchlitz for the Old Nasus Mod, as it was used as a base, and credits to Scrafty for sharing the old files.
Old mod version: https://youtu.be/2fE0Nh9HWwo?si=KACBkparWcUQpHpD
Inspiration video: https://youtu.be/VretF10w7_0?si=TY-oogH427xT7n3i
Fixed Circle and Square Icons
Added Only Sfx Mod
Fixed Q particle
Hud Square icon changed
Added whitout Sfx versions
Note: The Download Link button will take you to a Google Drive folder, choose the skin you want. Make sure you are using Nasus Default Skin in the game for the Mod to work.
The texture on Nasus Dreadknight and Riot's ultimate and the E Skill particle have been edited to look closer to the original.
Email: sirdyasd@gmail.com Discord: sirdyasd