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Robin Seraphine

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Play as Penacony's star! Changes model and texture, loading screen, all icons, VO (en), all vfx, sfx, and has two variants; one with a single looping passive song that has Robin singing on ult cast, and one that plays all 4 of her songs!


(Update .1 | 9/15/24) - added more sparklz and changed some particles.

(Update .2 | 9/15/24) - added wings on her W

(Update .3 | 9/16/23) - adjusted wings to only trigger on Passive W (Update .4 | 9/20/20) - changed ability sfx

(Ongoing .5 = Model Update)

1. The passive music is intentionally loud for both versions of the mod. Other sounds might overwhelm Robin's VO. You may adjust the music volume according to your preference.

2. For the first variant, the passive song clashes with Robin singing during ult cast. It's recommended to adjust the music volume to lower a degree for this.

3. During the Ctrl+3 / dance emote, Robin's microphone flies in the air before disappearing. It's okay, we can just pretend that it's a bird.

4.* Don't show Robin anyone else's poor dance moves.

5.* No birds were harmed in the making of this mod.

please buy me fries i starved making this mod _(:3」∠)_


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Mod information

  • Champion: Seraphine

  • Modified skin: Default

  • Author: Dorky Rain, thelima

  • Mod version: 5.8.24 (.4)

  • Models: Robin from the game Honkai: Star Rail.


Update " .1 "

Update ".2"

Update ".3"

Update ".4"


Note : The first variant only loops one song, but Robin sings during ultimate cast.

The ALT variant loops 4 songs randomly, but she doesn't sing during ultimate.

Discord: thxlima, join the server for more related mods!






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