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[NEW] RuneForge is updating its website and all new mods are going to be posted on the new website moving forward. Click here to access!

The Iron Golem (Mordekaiser)

Writer's picture: SauronkaiserSauronkaiser


Base champion: Mordekaiser

Modified Skin: Default

Author: Sauronkaiser

Description: The Iron Golem from Minecraft


-New model and textures.

-New full set of animations.

-New sounds.

-New particles

-New Splashart loading screen.

-New Ability icons and HUD.

-Hatred towards Iron Farms.

Youtube trailer+spotlight:

Autoattacks + Passive:

It also has iron nuggets floating around but they are not visible in the replay





Joke animation

Dance animation:

Let the pigstep begin!

Recall animation:

Back to base:



The Iron Golem is the natural guardian of the villagers. Until now, he was more than enough to defend the whole village and its members, but that changed the day The Wither showed up.

In the middle or a fight aganist the huge monster's army of skeletons, it was soon obvious he wouldn't be able to repel the attack or even survive it himself, so he decided to at least try to hide and keep safe a little villager kid.

After all, golems can be rebuilt, and that kid could play an important role in the future.


-Download The Iron Golem:

Click on the download icon to get the .fantome file.

Then just drag it into CSlolManager.

Changelog: (Current version: 1.3)

-06/04/2023: First official release

-07/04/2023: Fixed a visual bug in the E, and the ingot in the W, improved some textures.

-10/04/2023: Fixed: parrots and villager not showing correctly in low resolution settings.

-19/04/2023: MOD FIXED after a League patch that made it crash the game. Make sure you have the 1.1 version. If not, download it again.

-05/11/2023: Tweaks for textures, sounds and some animations. Some bug fixes.

-30/11/2023: Fixed animation masks for W and E; now work as intended when walking.

-20/01/2024: Fixed after new season patch breaking it

-05/04/2024: Fixed after patch 14.7 made most mods healthbar non-existent

-01/09/2024: Fixed healthbar, added new splashart


-Special thanks to bud for helping with the render

-Assets extracted from Minecraft, then modified. Some assets made by me.

-Sounds belonging to Minecraft.

-Animations and effects made by me.

-Special thanks to Guisai and JesusMessiah for helping with the E effect.

Like the mod?

Check the rest of my work in my profile!

You like my content? Consider supporting me on patreon!

My discord tag: Sauronkaiser#3870


-Are mods bannable?

Mods are tagged by Riot Games as "Use at your own risk".

However, no bans have been recorded outside of Asian servers in more than 3 years, even between people who openly stream or record videos with custom skins, and some rioters have openly said that they kinda like the mods community, (even though they can't directly support it for obvious reasons).

From my point of view there is no real risk unless you play in a server from Asia.

Important to mention that hack-skins (Using mods to change a champion's default skin to one of his official skins) are NOT allowed.

-I want to try this mod but I never installed mods and don't know how. What do I do?

Visit this page to see installation instructions.

-I want to get into mod-making myself. How can I begin? Do I need previous experience in something?

You can learn modding even if you don't have any experience in anything related with modeling, texturing, etc. It just demands time and pacience, and don't hestiate in asking for help to other members of the community if you get stuck and can't get a solution to a problem in any tutorial.

Follow the community tutorials in your first steps to get the bases and from there is just keep going and learning.

For beginners tutorials, check this link.





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