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[NEW] RuneForge is updating its website and all new mods are going to be posted on the new website moving forward. Click here to access!

The Spartan Piglin (Ambessa)

Writer: SauronkaiserSauronkaiser

Important note: if this mod has visual bugs, try our autofixer (Available in the Runeforge official discord). If the bugs persist, please comment it to the author by DM or in the same discord so it can be put in the manual fixes list.

Migration news: This mod, like all the others from my side, will soon be moved to the new Runeforge page.

Also, no new custom skins will be uploaded here but instead in that same new site.

Base champion: Ambessa

Skin:  Default

Author: Sauronkaiser

Description: The first of the Piglin Rebels


-New model and textures.

-New full set of animations.

-New sounds.

-New particles

-New Splashart loading screen.

-New Ability icons and HUD.

-Blades of Chaos made of Netherite.

-Absolutely not references to GoW.

-The prior feature is a lie.

Meet the Piglin Rebels!

-The Pig-at-arms (Braum):

Released in the new page

-The Piglin Hunter (Akshan):

Still to be released

Trailer + Spotlight:







(He has the 5 original games!)


(Because just making "Minecraft: The Sex Update" was too simple)



(¡¿Pero Willy?!)



Respawn/Back to base:


One piglin in particular is a big fan of a certain hack and slash games series and has been waiting for a chance to cosplay his favorite character. With the rising waves of Wither Skeletons menacing both the Nether and the Overworld, it seems that chance has finally come!


Note: This is a drive link.

Press on the download button to get the .fantome file.

Then just drag it into LoLCSmanager


-06/12/2024: First official release

-06/02/2025: Fixed after league patch breaking it

-21/02/2025: Fixed after league patch breaking it (Yes, again, I F*CKING LOVE RIOT CHANGING FILES!!!!!)

Sources and references:

-Rig and model made mostly by me (some specific parts are extracted from Minecraft).

-All animations made by me.

-Particle effects mostly made by me.

-Special thanks to Nyht for helping with the particles that stick images to the screen.

-The joke emote features the 5 original GoW games (including the PSP ones)

-The taunt emote references sex scenes in GoW and breeding animals in Minecraft.

-The music of the Dance emote is the main music intro for GoW 3.

-The laugh emote references Willyrex and Vegetta777, two of the original spanish Minecraft youtubers.

-The respawn emote references the Kratos falling meme and the voice that comes afterwards is from a Spanish show.

-Special thanks to Bud for helping with the render.

-Special thanks to Druttut for beta-testing the mod and giving it visibility.

Like the mod?

Check the rest of my work in my profile!


My discord tag: Sauronkaiser#3870


-Are mods bannable?

Mods are tagged by Riot Games as "Use at your own risk".

However, no bans have been recorded outside of Asian servers in more than 3 years, even between people who openly stream or record videos with custom skins, and some rioters have openly said that they kinda like the mods community, (even though they can't directly support it for obvious reasons).

From my point of view there is no real risk unless you play in a server from Asia.

Important to mention that hack-skins (Using mods to change a champion's default skin to one of his official skins) are NOT allowed.

-I want to try this mod but I never installed mods and don't know how. What do I do?

Visit this page to see installation instructions.

-I want to get into mod-making myself. How can I begin? Do I need previous experience in something?

You can learn modding even if you don't have any experience in anything related with modeling, texturing, etc. It just demands time and pacience, and don't hestiate in asking for help to other members of the community if you get stuck and can't get a solution to a problem in any tutorial.

Follow the community tutorials in your first steps to get the bases and from there is just keep going and learning.

For beginners tutorials, check this link. 




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